Monday, October 3, 2011

It Starts Tonight! Last Chance to Get Access!

Hi Friends,

Tonight marks the beginning of
the Pain Relief World Summit!

That's right, tonight at 8PM
EST Day 1 of this summit will
go live. 

Over 54,000 people have already
registered for the Pain Relief
World Summit.

If you haven't yet go ahead and
register here:


Also, the event starting tonight
also marks the LAST chance to
upgrade to the platinum or gold
access to the event AND still get
the pre-event bonuses.

That's right, as of 8PM EST tonight
those bonuses will be gone forever
(and I can promise you that they'll
be gone at exactly 8PM EST). 

If you haven't yet taken a look at
how you can own the audios for the
Pain Relief World Summit on either
23 CD's with a printed manual or
in the digital version (MP3's and
PDF's) and get the pre-event bonuses
go ahead and check that out here:

Pain Relief World Summit

I look forward to seeing you tonight
on the calls!  :)

Michelle Ruebl

P.S. - Because of all of the overseas
participants they make each days audios
available for 24 hours.

So if you can't be there right at 8PM
EST you'll still be able to listen in!

Pain Relief World Summit

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pain Relief World Summit Event -Wow!!!

Hi Friends,

If you suffer from any type of physical
pain you need to learn about a f.r.e.e
online event that is coming up that can
have dramatic results in helping you
eliminate your pain.

Back pain, neck pain, fibromylgia, joint
pain, knee pain, muscle pain, whatever it
is this event can help.

To learn more about it and see a video
preview of how it can help you today check
out the video below:

Pain Relief World Summit Event

The event is called the Pain Relief World
Summit and it’s being run by the same amazing
people that ran the Tapping World Summit
which was attended by over 350,000 people

Here are some of the results that people
saw from tapping along with just one audio on
pain relief during the Tapping World Summit
(This entire event is ALL on pain relief!):

"We had great success with last nights tapping.
While my husband, Larry, was tapping he had a
lot pain in his right knee. It went away after
tapping, but then his left knee started burning.

So, we paused the audio and kept tapping, one
more time and guess what? That pain left too!!
He realized that all of these years he had been
holding his tension in his lower legs! Then we
realized that, that is where his family (Mom
& Dad) always ALWAYS complained of pain.

They ran a restaurant and always blamed the hours
they stood on concrete for everything. We realized
that this is where Larry probably picked up the
same complaint. Anyway, what an eye opener!! We
LOVE this tapping and are already sharing it with
our friends. Thanks again!"

-Judy Gardner

"I had my mother sit down and listen in. I meet
with her twice a week now, she is off all pain
pills and moving around like she in her

We actually tapped to that song “Don’t worry be
happy” the other night. I just want to thank you
so much for bringing this information to all of
us. Have a great day!"


I am a 50 yrs old, single and working mom, boys
and a girl grown up now; Last year, I often wasn’t
able to get upstairs into my bedroom, sometimes i
crawled, pulling myself up the stairs. crying,
praying- stubborn me. I tried to dig my car out
after snowfall with a hand shovel- thats all I
could lift.

Car rides further than 15 min hurting soo much. I
was reading, learning, applying all to become well
again. I stumbled somehow across you and the
tapping summit. I have learned so much!

Seriously, I am pain free- not taking any meds
(and its not a condition that dissapears overnight
(MRI reports)

Since listening and tapping, I have even began
workout exercises to strengthen my muscles even
better, I can go upstairs and downstairs without
dragging my *bad* knee behind. no more crawling!

I have told Pud (87) about this and promised i
will teach him to do the tapping too.

Hey, can you believe, I’m even able to push the
snow off my deck and steps with the big snow shovel
now!!!! Little by little, my strength is coming
back. My life is transforming and i feel it more
every day. All due to your wonderful tapping course.


I could give you two hugs and more hugs you cannot
imagine what that means to me one of my grandbabies
is *only*1 hr away. Now I don’t hurt when I drive
there, and I can even pick her up and snuggle with
her! cheers"

-Gudrun Johanna

These are just three of the hundreds of emails they
received from the 2011 Tapping World summit on the
pain audio.

If you want to get some serious pain relief you
absolutely must attend this event!

Check it out and sign up by going here:

Pain Relief World Summit Event


Michelle Ruebl

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Everything is Energy Summit starts TODAY!!!

Have you ever noticed that... you can understand something intellectually, but it won’t change your life?  That’s because “knowing about it” is only 3%of the formula… the other 97% is getting in there and DOING it at the root… This summit focuses on making change at the root level. Change Your Energy, Change Your Life, Change the World.Everything is Energy Summit @Everything is Energy

Monday, July 25, 2011

Overcome any obstacle, like you have superpowers…

What if you had hidden superpowers, but

didn’t realize it?

Discovering energy tools is like discovering

your Hidden Superpowers… you can leap over

the obstacles that used to make you feel

trapped, to get f.r.e.e in an instant. (You

probably won’t believe me until you try it,

but it’s true.)

Here's how to find them:

1) You’ll click this link:

Everthing is Energy World Summit

2) You’ll see two powerful leaders (& laugh

in the first 5 seconds)

3) They’ll reveal how to get to the root

cause of your pain, blocks & problems in 10

minutes or less. (You’ll find a way to access

what feels like superpowers, but is real &

inside you.)

4) You’ll discover a hidden secret of life

transformation. (Essential!)

5) You’ll say to yourself, “Thank God. This

is what I was looking for.”

6) You’ll register for f.r.e.e access to

start creating dramatic transformation.

Here’s the link:

Everything is Energy World Summit

It’s easy, but be ready to be blown away with

the simplicity, elegance & power of what

you’ll discover.

So many people feel trapped by obstacles in

life, or worse they’ve given up hope, slipping

into silent struggle. Don’t let yourself be

that person. This can be easily overcome or

avoided by learning simple tools to clear any

obstacle, release struggle effortlessly, and

get into clear, aligned action to fulfill your


Click this link and make it happen for


Everything is Energy World Summit


Michelle Ruebl

P.S. I’m so passionate about helping you get

what you need, so I’m willing to be blunt…Not

clicking this link is kind of like saying,

“I’d rather not easily & effortlessly change

my life for the best,” (and for F.R.E.E) Think

about it: at some point resisting easy &

effective change just doesn’t make sense anymore.

P.P.S. Einstein, Oprah, & Deepak Chopra agree…

The foundation is sound…

The techniques are simple & powerful…

The results are life-changing…

The cost is F.R.E.E…

Everything is Energy World Summit

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Book Launch is here!! Get yours today.

Today is the day!

You can finally get Bob Doyle's new book, "Follow Your Passion - Find Your Power", AND receive all the gifts he's been telling you about (if you happened to register for his interview series I recommended last week.)

Follow your Passion -Find your Power

In case you missed it, Bob just ran a series of interviews with a group of highly successful people - all with amazing stories of how following their passions led them to the success they have today.

Each of Bob's guests contributed a gift for those who purchase Bob's book today, and these are really great gifts, by the way - not some kind of "bonus throwaway". In the interviews, the guests discuss what their gift is, and how it will help you.

The entire theme of this promotion is tapping into your passion so that the law of attraction can work on "autopilot" for you, and that's what Bob's book is all about.

He delivers an excellent description of what the law of attraction REALLY is and how it's at work in your life right now. He goes on to cover the topic of "resistance" and how your limiting beliefs have significant power over your ability to attract what you say you want AND he provides methods for eliminating that resistance!

Finally, you learn to reconnect with your sense of passion and purpose so that all your action is inspired, and abundance literally surrounds you!

So get on over to  Book Launch-Reserve your free gifts to reserve your copy!

Enjoy the book AND the gifts!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bob Doyle-part of the movie and book "The Secret"

You may be familiar with Bob Doyle.

He was a part of the movie and book "The Secret" and has been teaching the principles discussed in that film for nearly 10 years.

Before he discovered and learned to work with what's called the Law of Attraction, he was like a lot of people...struggling financially, and finding no happiness in any of his career choices.

With a young family and no job, Bob started implementing what he finally realized was the SCIENCE of creating life by design. He was really focused on science because he needed to know that all of this wasn't some kind of new-age happy talk.

Once he started using these principles to change his core belief structure about success and money really meant to him, the direction of his life shifted dramatically...and as he saw results, he started teaching how he achieved them.

For a decade, his Wealth Beyond Reason program has been teaching these principles effectively in ways that few others have, resulting in a powerfully transformative experience for his students.

Bob is just about to release his latest book, "Follow Your Passion - Find Your Power", which communicates probably the most down-to-earth and practical explanations of the Law of Attraction I've ever heard. And he goes on to explain exactly why these principles don't seem to be working in your life, and what to do about it.

The main focus of the book is to reconnect you with your sense of passion. Given that the most successful people in the world are those that do what they're passionate about, you can see why living a fully passionate life would be something to aspire too.

To lead up to his book release, Bob is releasing a set of interviews he recently conducted with highly successful people who attribute that success to following their passions.

Click here to become an Affiliate!

These interviews are filled with great inspirational stories of how "ordinary people" became extraordinary, simply by tapping into their sense of passion and following their bliss.

If that sound too pie-in-the-sky, then you DEFINITELY want to hear these interviews. You will change your mind, AND see new possibility in your own life!

All of these people are contributing extremely valuable gifts to Bob's book promotion, and each of these gifts is yours at no charge when you purchase Bob's book on the day it releases.

The interviews are yours regardless of whether you purchase the book, and I urge you to register for the series. The interviews are short and sweet, but filled with power!

Here's where to register:

Register Here-Wealth Beyond Reason Book launch

I know you'll enjoy the interviews, or I wouldn't send you there. :)


Michelle Ruebl

P.S. The gifts that have been contributed to Bob are truly amazing in and of themselves. Any one of the gifts is worth many times what folks will pay for his new book! See if you don't agree that these are more than just "bonus" items...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Where I started

I am big on Challenges and that is how I started my trek with the Law of Attraction studies.  In that process I came across a program by Bob Doyle called Wealth Beyond Reason  This program is well developed and well worth every penny.  As a matter of fact...their are numerous audios, books and an easy to follow pattern.

I highly recommend it.  If affordability is an issue. there is a website that allows you to do a monthly subscription and then you are able to access ALL of Bob's programs including the Wealth Beyond Reason.

Go to Boundless Living Elite  for a inexpensive monthly subscription.  Here you can access the Wealth Beyond Reason and so many others!!  These programs will introduce you to the science behind the law of attraction and techniques you can use to eliminate those limiting beliefs that so often hold us back, including EFT.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tapping Solution 2.0 Launched

Dear Friends,

I just got a preview look at the Tapping
Insiders Club 2.0 from Nick and Jessica Ortner
and I have to say: WOW!

If you haven’t heard about the club (it’s been
all the buzz!), it’s an incredible resource
designed to bring you information on a huge
variety of topics regarding tapping.

More importantly, it’s designed to get you results
in your life.

There is a TON of content in the club, in both
video and audio format. It ranges from in-depth
hour long interviews, to shorter 20-30 minute
interview, to 5-7 minute tap along videos.

They’ve lowered the regular price for their
2.0 celebration and I don’t know how
long that will last!

Check it out here now:

Tapping Solution 2.0

Whatever challenges or obstacles you’re facing,
I know the answer is in one of the resources
inside the club.

And if it’s not, you can have your questions
answered in the “Ask the Experts” section or
you can request an interview topic or video
tap along topic!

There are so many exciting features that I can’t
get into them all in one short email, so take a
look for yourself:

Tapping Solution 2.0

Take care,

Michelle Ruebl

P.S. Here’s a list of the topics already inside
the club. I know it’s long!

Beginners Corner Intro – Learn the Basics and get Tapping Right Away!
Common Beginner Mistakes
How to Know What To Say
The Power of Questions

Understanding the Choices Method
Clearing Your Resistance to Tapping
Simple vs. Complex
Speaking Your Truth
Using Tapping

The Most Effective Strategies for Weight Loss and Tapping
Quickly Eliminate Cravings Tap Along
Eye-popping case studies on Tapping and TMJ Disorder
Tapping for Cancer Support – A Healing Journey
Back Pain Tapping- Find Relief Fast

Using Tapping For Cold Hands and Feet
Tapping for Muscle Cramps – Sleep at Last!
Find Relief from Arthritis Pain with Tapping Now

Click her to learn more now:

Tapping Solution 2.0

Here’s More!

An Inside Look at Using Tapping To Quit Smoking
Quick Tips for Using Tapping to Improve Your Vision
Knee Pain and Tapping – Understanding the Messages from your body

Overcoming Insomnia Video Tap Along
OCD symptoms and Tapping
Using Tapping for PTSD – A Hopeful Look at the Possibilitie
Tapping for Parents with children with ADD/ADHD

Tapping for Insomnia – A Fresh Start
Using Tapping To Control Panic Attacks – Finding Peace Within
Your child with ADD/ADHD and Tapping

Tapping for Spouses of Veterans – A Forgotten Group Gets Help
Working with Developmentally Delayed Adults – Creative Solutions
Healing the Addicted Heart
Simple Energy Techniques for Addictions

Click her to learn more now:

Tapping Solution 2.0

Even More!
Healing Mother Issues with Tapping – An Emotional Journey Of Healing
The Vital Importance of Healing Mother Abandonment Issues
Tapping for Expecting Mothers – A New Paradigm Shift
Using Tapping With Children

Instantly Improve Challenges Faced by Step-Parents
Using Tapping To Help Your Child Fall Asleep – Peace At Last!
The Importance of Clearing Previous Birth Traumas

Using Tapping for Anger – Gaining Emotional Control
The Good Side of Anger Tap Along
Tapping for Gratitude

Using Tapping for Holiday Stress
Using Tapping to Attract Abundance

Click her to learn more now:

Tapping Solution 2.0
Find a topic that would help you yet? :)

The Power of Using Tapping To End Procrastination
Raise your Self-Esteem with EFT
How Your Identity Impacts Your Life

Using Tapping to Quickly Clear Clutter
Feeling Safe To Change
Personal Peace Procedure

Attracting Money Tap Along
Release the Fear of Failure Tap Along
The Easiest Way to Tap Away Marketing Fears
Overcome your Fear of Success with Tapping

Click her to learn more now:

Tapping Solution 2.0
Last bit!

Tapping and Corporate Success
Tapping to Find Peace While Changing Jobs
Tapping for More Clients In Your Business

Clearing Blocks Around Money – Tap Along Sessio
Understanding the Money Blocks Holding You Back
Reaching Your Goals Tap A Long – Find a Clear Path To Your Dreams

And there’s footage never before seen footage from
the film “Try ItOn Everything”, Ask the Expert interviews, teleclasses and much more!

Tapping Solution 2.0

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 7 Still in progress

Click on banner to the right for more information or to sign up to hear these great speakers.

Brad Yates (One of my personal favorite speakers)  Tapping for Children

Julie Schiffmann Using Tapping to Help Other People.

Free Until 8pm EST tonight.

Then you'll have 2 new speakers available free for 24 hours

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's Day 2 -Tap Away

The servers didn't do so well for Day 1, so it will be repeated at the end of the 10 day session.  Don't miss out on Day 2--it's FREE for the 24 hours only.

 Carol Look speaks on:
The Vibration Of Exceptional Health:
Managing Pain with Tapping

Rick Wilke speaks on:
Back Pain Relief! How You Can Finally
Find the Relief You've Been Looking For

Don't miss this event!!!

If you haven't signed up yet, here's how:

2011 World Tapping Summit


Monday, February 21, 2011

It Starts TODAY

Wow--the time came fast.  IT starts TODAY!! The 2011 World Summit. FRE.E for a short period of time.  Learn how to tap away those frustrations, learn how tapping can enhance our lives and literally change our lives. 

I am out of town, with the snow, I'll be away a bit longer than expected.  I will get more information up as soon as I'm back, but for now, you can click on the link in the earlier post to access this event!!

Happy Tapping

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How to Finally Take Action and Get What You Want (Free Video)

Hi Friends,

Once again I have another powerful video for you to
watch from the fr*ee pre-event video series for the
upcoming 2011Tapping World Summit. 

This video is with international known expert Cheryl
Richardson, a best-selling author of 5 books who is
best known as one of the world's foremost personal
coaching pioneers.

Cheryl has appeared on shows like The Oprah Winfrey
Show, Good Morning America and The Today Show
just to name a few.

You can see this fr*ee video by going here:

Click here for Free Video

In this video Cheryl talks out the #1 thing that locks
fear, anxiety and an inability to take positive action
into place…

I think this video hits on a really important topic for
most people because as I'm sure you'd agree with
me, taking action on information you learn is just
as important as learning the information in the first

If you feel like you'd like to be implementing more
of what you learn to get better results in your life
then I suggest watching this video.

It's the 3rd in the fr*ee Tapping World Summit Video
series that has been released over the last week. 

Over 120,000 people have watched the first two
videos with experts Jack Canfield and Bruce Lipton.

There are also nearly 3,000 comments of praise
and appreciation for the amazing videos on the
blog that is hosting them.

I think that what is going on with this video series
and the upcoming 2011 Tapping World Summit
is something very special and unique that is
worth checking out.

Enjoy the video with Cheryl and if you haven't
yet seen the videos with Jack Canfield and Bruce
Lipton make sure to watch those also. 

Michelle Ruebl

P.S. -  I want to emphasize that this is one of the
most valuable events you''ll ever attend online.  I
highly recommend you check out what's going on
here as this event only happens once per year…

2011 Tapping Summit

P.P.S - And if you want to learn more about the
2011 Tapping World Summit itself which starts
on February 21st then make sure to click on the
"Learn About the Tapping World Summit" button
in the navigation bar when you get to the blog.  :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Powerful Video on How Your Thoughts Can Heal You with Bruce Lipton

Hi Friends,

Would you like to know why EFT works and why it's so effective?  :)

Well Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist and best selling author,
is about to explain to you why he considers EFT to be like
"super learning".

In this fascinating video Bruce will explain to you how your
thoughts can make you sick, broke and unhappy, why
regular "positive thinking" doesn't work and how you can
use EFT to reprogram your mind to get what you want in life.

You can check it out here:


Bruce Lipton is a cellular biologist who has spent
years studying how our thoughts effect us in all
areas of life.

His scientific studies are so shocking and revealing
and have such wide ranging ramifications that the
established communities have gone to great lengths
to keep them hidden, especially the medical community.

Bruce Lipton has out-right said that the majority of
medical studies done today are inaccurate and
misleading and he has the proof to show why. 

If you're ready for some mind blowing information
on how your thoughts effect all areas of your life and
how you can use EFT to be healthy, wealthy and happy
then I highly suggest watching this video:
You can check it out here:


Here are a few of the things that he discusses:

-Why positive thinking is not enough to change
your life (And what he says does work)

-How the unconscious programming you received
in childhood is effecting you today (And what you
can do about the programs that aren't serving you)

-The one simple belief that traditional medicine is
based on that is 100% false.

This video is guaranteed to be one of the most
eye opening videos you'll see all year.

Video-Click here


Michelle Ruebl

P.S. - This video is part of the fr*ee Tapping World
Summit Video series being released over the next
few days leading up to this enormous event starting
on Feb. 21st (Last year over 100,000 people attended
this event online)

If you missed the first video with Jack Canfield on how
your past traumas and negative emotions may be
keeping you from attracting what you want in life you'll
get access to that video as well when you see this
one. Both are very powerful…

2011 World Summit

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jack Canfield’s Real Secret (Free Video)

Hi Friends,

I want to share an amazing video with you today
that features Jack Canfield, co-creator of the
“Chicken Soup for the Soul” books and featured
expert in the hit film “The Secret”.

In the video Jack talks about his search for a
technology that could make the Law of Attraction
work faster and better, and what he found…

World Summit 2011

His discovery completely changed his life and has
completely changed how he helps people transform today.

If you believe in the Law of Attraction in principle but
sometimes feel like it doesn’t work well for you in practice
then you’re going to want to watch his video.

I guarantee you that this will be one of the most content
rich videos you’ll ever watch.

I’m actually really curious to see what you think
because the information he talks about has pretty much
been taking the world by storm over the last few months.

The technology that he discovered is also highly endorsed
by other experts like Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Cheryl
Richardson, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Bruce Lipton, Deepak
Chopra and many others.

Remember, you can literally have ANYTHING you want in life….

If you’re life isn’t the way you want it to be or you simply
want it to be better than you need to check this out.

Enjoy the video:

Jack Canfield's Video

To your success and happiness,

Michelle Ruebl

P.S. – I especially like a line in the video where
Jack says “The only advise I would have for somebody
thinking about trying this would be do it.  There’s nothing
to lose.  It’s so fast.  It’s such a powerfully quick process.”
Free Video

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Must See Promotion - Starting February 1st

I want to let you know about a really big online launch that we're getting behind
that's coming up in February that I know you're going to want to support.

The event is called the 2011 Tapping World Summit and it's being run by
Alex and Nick Ortner from The Tapping Solution team. 

This is actually the 3rd year in a row that they're hosting the Tapping World
Summit.  In 2009 over 81,000 people attended online and in 2010 over 100,000
people attended online.

So needless to say this is one of the biggest launches of the year...

The first two times they did just under a million dollars in sales and
they're expecting to do over 2 million in sales on this launch, which
is going to mean big commissions for everyone that supports it.

But beyond the commissions it's important to note that this is likely one
of the most content rich promotions you'll ever support because the event
itself is…100% content.  :)

That's right…the event itself which is a 10 day audio event, is 100% content.

The fact that they've done just under $1 million dollars in sales the last two
years when people can preview the majority of the product shows how good
of a product it is.

You can learn all about this event and how to participate here:

Affiliate link

We'll be supporting it in a big way and will be sending out for all
3 of their prelaunch content emails and 2 event registration emails.

They have some great content in the pre-launch with videos from
Jack Canfield, Bruce Lipton and Cheryl Richardson that are really
worth sharing.

Here are a few more reasons for why we're supporting this launch:

-It's a proven event that converts (this is their 3rd year running it)

-They're paying big commissions ($45 and $75 up front commissions
plus upsells)

-They cookie you in for life on all of their products and already have
three other promotions that people will go through after this event,
one of which is their very popular membership club which pays ongoing

-They will have a great affiliate contest (This year's prizes haven't been
announced yet but you can see what they did last year - Mac Book Pros,
I-pods, TV's, etc)

-Nick and Alex Ortner have done a number of high profile launches which
have been known for having great content with great products.  They even
listed financial numbers for 5 of them on the page below so you can see. 

One of the launches was actually a 100% charity driven event where they
raised over $240,000 to build schools in Africa.  They donated their time
to the event and even donated $50,000 of their own money.  How cool
is that?!  :)

Make sure to check out the video on the page below and sign up:

Become an Affiliate

Remember, pre-launch for this event starts on February 1 so make
sure to clear your calendar at that time to be able to email out about

To your success,

Michelle Ruebl

Disclaimer on the links

disclaimer: I am grateful to be of service and bring you content like this free of charge. This blog is meant to enlighten others while tracking my research of the Law of Attraction, EFT -Emotional Frequency Technique.
Please note that whenever you click the links in my e-mails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission in that process. Your support in purchasing through these links enables me to share even more information to help
more people worldwide. The goal is to live more conscious lives.