Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Blunder

Well I really blundered over the last month (even more than that I believe).  I started a 30 day cleanse, to get to day 3, and life got super busy. I must have cleared my doubts about success, for the last month and a half have been busier than the last year combined (or at least feels that way).  Sales are way up, early in the year--what a relief from the stillness of little business this last year.

With the busy life, I came to an awakening that I'm still not living the life of my dreams. So, I am learning how to follow my intuition, to have it all. To have my family be first and foremost in my life, to be able to reach out to others and sincerely help people become who they are destined to be, and to life a stress free lifestyle, which I know in my heart is possible for everyone.

So-next step?? I'll take time every day to meditate or be still and quiet while connecting to the source, letting the intuition guide me.  Stay posted as I move forward ( and hopefully help others do the same).


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disclaimer: I am grateful to be of service and bring you content like this free of charge. This blog is meant to enlighten others while tracking my research of the Law of Attraction, EFT -Emotional Frequency Technique.
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more people worldwide. The goal is to live more conscious lives.